
Smart Artist

Want to use Smart Vectors but can’t get hold of a NukeX licence? No Problem! With Smart Artist you can create a VectorDistort node and smartVectors node preset and ready to go! Comes with presets for ‘STMap’, ‘STMap_Inverse’ and ‘WarpedSrc’ settings which are greyed out with a standard Nuke licence. It also gives the option […]


Bo(keh) Selecta! V3

A quick and easy Bokeh Shape input. Simply plug it into your favorite defocus Node, (including Convolve) and away you go. Unzip under your local .nuke folder (please keep the folder structure as is, must be .nuke/python/ to work). Regardless of OS, the script will place the bokeh asset in the folder your Nuke […]


Random Wave Curve with a Sub Random Wave Curve

For even more randomness I made a simple Group based gizmo that generates a random curve that has another random curve based on that. Controls are self explanatory, feel free to adjust the minimum and maximum values. Simply link the Wavelength of subWave panels to what you want randomised (grade, opacity, noise, whatever!) and enjoy! […]


Tiny Python Scripts

Here is an ever expanding collection of small yet useful Python scripts for Nuke: Show all Plugin Paths 1 nuke.pluginPath()nuke.pluginPath() Random Card X Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 import nuke import random for i in nuke.selectedNodes('Card2'): p = i['translate'].getValue() p = p[2] t = [random.randint(1,101),0,p] i['translate'].setValue(t)import nuke import random for i in […]